Sunday, October 5, 2008

Often in times of growth or fear I have food related dreams/nightmares...
My father and his wife are in town for a few days and I had a nightmare last night that I wasnt allowed to eat sugar while I was with him and I wasnt allowed to leave him.
What do I make of that?
Sure... my food was restricted as a child...
I wasnt supposed to eat sugar or anything else really... but... why now?
Is it because it is the first time I have lived far since recovering?

What do you think?


Pancho Ramirez said...

Romántica terráquea mimosona he llegado a perfumar tu gladiolo. Traigo polen de Plutón. Aprovéchame guapa, no siempre se puede caer rendida en los brazos de un Adonis como YO, el andrógino más masculinamente femenino de todo el Universo. YO, la deidad suprema y vistosa de tus sueños. YO, la humildad hecha perfección. YO, la suma de sexo, desenfreno, comprensión, ternura y perversa inocencia lujuriosa.

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